Breast Augmentation2024-12-04T13:39:33+02:00
breast implants

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to increase breast size and improve shape using implants. It can also correct uneven breast sizes for a more symmetrical and balanced appearance. Implants may be placed either under the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle (subpectoral), depending on individual anatomy and aesthetic goals.

During your consultation, we will discuss your concerns and preferences, including implant options, placement techniques, and incision methods. These recommendations will take into account your breast shape, size, skin thickness, and existing breast tissue. I frequently use round or anatomical, micro-textured silicone implants to achieve natural and tailored results.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation

  • Increases breast size for enhanced body proportion.
  • Corrects asymmetry by addressing uneven breast sizes.
  • Customisable approach based on breast shape, size, and skin quality.
  • Provides options for implant type and placement to suit individual needs.

What is involved in the Breast Augmentation Procedure?

Breast augmentation is typically performed under general anaesthetic. The procedure involves:

1 | Incision Placement

  • The most common approach involves a small incision made in the inframammary fold (lower breast crease).
  • This method leaves a 4–6cm scar that is discreetly hidden in the natural crease of the breast.
  • Alternative incision approaches may be discussed during consultation, depending on your preferences.

2 | Creating the Implant Pocket

  • The breast tissue is carefully separated from the underlying chest muscle to create a pocket for the implant. Depending on the patient’s anatomy and goals, the implant may be placed either:
    • Under the breast tissue (subglandular placement) for a more straightforward approach.
    • Beneath the chest muscle (submuscular placement) to provide additional coverage, particularly when there is minimal natural breast tissue, resulting in a smoother, more natural contour.

3 | Inserting the Implant

  • The chosen implant is inserted into the pocket and adjusted to achieve the desired position and symmetry.

4 | Closure and Dressing

  • The incision is meticulously sutured, leaving a small, neat scar.
  • Surgical tape is applied to protect the wound and promote optimal healing.
breast augmentation consultation


How do I plan for a Breast Augmentation?2024-12-02T16:25:51+02:00

To plan for a breast augmentation start with booking a consultation to discuss what you would like to achieve with regards to size, shape and/or firmness.

I will examine your breasts and we can discuss the breast implant types and techniques. The implants can be smooth or textured, saline or silicone, round or anatomical. I will go through the incision options and explain the surgical techniques. I will also go through the procedure and what to expect after the surgery. With all this information you will be able to make an informed decision.

How to prepare for Breast Augmentation surgery?2024-12-02T16:26:04+02:00

To prepare for breast augmentation surgery you may be asked to stop smoking for 2 – 4 weeks before the procedure. Nicotine retards the healing process. So, not smoking for as long as possible before surgery will help improve the blood flow.

You might also have to have a blood test before surgery.

During the consultation be sure to disclose what medication, vitamins and supplements you are taking. I may need to adjust this leading up to surgery. You should avoid certain medication like aspirin and some anti-inflammatory drugs. You may also need to stop taking some vitamins and supplements. Avoid any recreational drugs.

Be sure to arrange for transport to and from the clinic. You will not be able to drive yourself after the procedure.

What can I expect after Breast Augmentation?2024-12-02T16:26:23+02:00

After breast augmentation you can expect some swelling, bruising and discomfort in the first week, this is normal. Prescribed medication should ease any pain you feel. You should be able to return to work after the first week but take it easy.

After surgery you will have a dressing over the wound which you should keep dry for at least 48 hours. The stitches along the incision lines will dissolve on their own. Avoid hot baths, hot tubs for about 6 weeks. Swimming is generally fine after 2 – 3 weeks.

Avoid strenuous activities like jogging, gym, heavy lifting, yoga, etc. for 6 weeks. If implants are below the muscle healing will take longer than above the muscle placement.

Expect to return to normal activities within 4 – 6 weeks. Take it slowly to build back up to your original strength and fitness regime.

What are the risks of Breast Augmentation?2024-12-02T16:26:16+02:00

One of the risks of breast augmentation is capsular contracture. This is when the scar tissue distorts the shape of the breast implant. If this happens it may mean removal or replacement of the implants.

Each type of implant has pros and cons which we will discuss during the first consultation. There is a risk of rupture or leakage resulting in more surgery to remove or replace implants.

Another risk associated with breast augmentation surgery is a change to nipple and breast sensation.

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare cancer associated with a breast implant. Only a handful of cases have ever happened in South Africa. Late-onset seroma (fluid around the implant) can be a sign of this. Early detection and removal of the implant have resulted in the cure for most cases. The implants I use are associated with the lowest risk of this condition. We will discuss this in detail during our consultation.

With any surgery there is a (low) risk of post-operative infection, bleeding, and swelling.

Need a consult?

Enhancing your appearance can have wonderful positive effects on your self-esteem, confidence and happiness.
It’s an empowering decision that is yours to make, and we are here to help you reach that dream.



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