What is Chin Reshaping?
Chin reshaping, or mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape the chin to improve the profile, creating a pleasing balance with the rest of the face. This procedure can improve facial symmetry, enhance the jawline, and refine the profile.
How Mentoplasty Improves Facial Aesthetics
- A weak chin can be enhanced using a chin implant.
- An overly prominent chin can be reduced by reshaping the chin bone.
- Mentoplasty can also improve the appearance of the neck and jawline for a more proportional look.
What is involved in the Chin Reshaping Procedure?
Mentoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic. The procedure will vary based on the type of reshaping or augmentation required:
1 | Chin Reshaping or Reduction
- For a chin reshaping, a wedge of bone will be cut and repositioned with a screw and possibly a metal plate to keep it secured.
- If you are having your chin moved forward, I will create a “step” in the bone.
- For a chin reduction, I will begin by cutting along the gum of the lower lip and separating it from the chin bone. A wedge of bone will be cut out and removed.
The incision is stitched closed, and compression tape is placed on the outside of your mouth and chin for protection.
2 | Chin Implant
- For a chin implant, an incision is made inside your mouth or under your chin and an implant, which has been sculpted to the right shape, inserted.
- The implant is secured to the bone with screws and the incision is stitched closed.
3 | Fat Augmentation
- For subtle enhancements, occasionally fat alone is all that is required for a small augmentation.