Fat Grafting

What are the risks of Breast Fat Grafting?

The risks of fat grafting are low. However, as with any surgery, there is always a risk of post-operative infection, bleeding, and swelling. While this is not normally a risky procedure, there are some risks of fat grafting, for example: Fat embolism (a blockage in a blood vessel); Obvious scarring; Haematoma (bleeding beneath the skin); [...]

What are the risks of Breast Fat Grafting?2024-12-02T16:17:44+02:00

What can I expect after Breast Fat Grafting?

After fat grafting, you can expect some bruising and swelling in the treated areas for up to 2 weeks. During this healing time you may want to take some time off work to recover. Return to normal activities once the discomfort has gone. Some common side effects after a surgical fat transfer are bruising, swelling, [...]

What can I expect after Breast Fat Grafting?2024-12-02T16:17:28+02:00

How to prepare for Breast Fat Grafting surgery?

To prepare for fat grafting surgery, you may be asked to stop smoking for 2 – 4 weeks prior to the procedure. Nicotine retards the healing process, and quitting for as long as possible before surgery helps improve blood flow. You might also have to have a blood test before surgery is performed. During the [...]

How to prepare for Breast Fat Grafting surgery?2024-12-02T16:16:46+02:00

How to plan for Breast Fat Grafting?

When you plan tfor fat grafting, your first step should be to make a consultation to see whether this surgery is suitable for you. During this consultation, we will discuss your expectations and ensure you have realistic goals. I will examine you, take photos, and will want to know your medical history.

How to plan for Breast Fat Grafting?2024-12-02T16:16:22+02:00


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